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Maximize Solar Output, Reduce Costs and Plan Better with Smart Soiling Data

  • ARES Soiling Stations enable accurate monitoring using large-area PV reference cells  

  • Online dashboard allows you to monitor soiling data anywhere

  • Low maintenance solar soiling monitor solution on the market

Introducing CLEO
The AI soiling loss modeling tool

CLEO is a cutting-edge soiling loss engine that leverages Fracsun's extensive localized dataset to provide highly accurate, region-specific simulations of annual soiling losses.

Sign-up now and get 3 free simulations!

ARES Soiling Station

ARES is a photovoltaic reference cell based soiling sensor that measures on-site soiling loss.


  • Fast installation in under 1 hour anywhere in the array field

  • Self-powered and cellular-enabled*

  • Cloud-based software calculates soiling loss and projects optimal wash dates

  • Calibrated c-Si reference cells closely match the spectral response of site modules

  • Guaranteed clean irradiance measurement with integrated spray nozzle and automated Wash Extension.

  • Unique patented solution using proprietary technology​


* Modbus RS-485 and WiFi options available.


Proprietary Measurement Technology

Our PV reference technology provides a real metric to evaluate solar soiling. Unlike other methods such as optical sensors, ARES calculates powerful and actionable data - whereas optical sensors are only able to estimate this data.

PV Reference Cell
Optical Sensor
Large area PV reference cell response is highly correlated with array response
Optical sensor response is poorly correlated to array response
No calibration needed - accounts for all soiling materials natively
Needs constant re-calibration to account for different soiling material types
Measurement based on full PV spectral sensitivity
Measurement based on single or narrow band visible spectrum
Uses automatically cleaned solar reference cell
Does not use a reference cell
Calculates real-time soiling loss data and does not require scalars
Infers soiling loss data and requires unknown scalars

Software That Drives Informed Decisions

  • Cloud-based dashboard accessible from anywhere

  • View key soiling station data

  • Wash forecasting and analysis 

  • Proactive alerts and notifications for upcoming wash dates 

  • Download soiling data via API or CSV

  • Multi-user logins

Fracsun Software Dashboard Preview

"After deploying the soiling monitoring hardware, we were able to see that we weren’t washing often enough. Optimizing our cleaning schedules allowed us to maximize overall site performance and reduce costs.”

Cannon Michaels, PresidentBowles Farming Company

What Makes Us Unique

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Powerful real-time cloud-based dashboard and API

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Calculated, not estimated, soiling metrics

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Lowest maintenance solar soiling monitor on the market


Who We Serve

  • EPC Firms

  • Developers

  • Meteorological Surveyors

  • Prospectors

  • Asset Managers

  • Project Financiers

  • PPA Providers


  • Asset Managers

  • O&M Contract Holders

  • Monitoring Providers




Will Carleton
General Manager Solar O&M
Clearway Energy Group

"The equipment has given us monitoring capability to compare soiling levels to generation and helped us determine at what soiling percentage do we engage the contractor so that we don’t have greater generation loss due to contractor scheduling. We can watch the soiling rate and determine ahead of time to schedule the contractor."


Jon Previtali
Senior Principal Engineer
VDE Americas

“Fracsun will be strong, straight arrow in your quiver for both energy production modeling and operations. Soiling is one of the biggest sources of energy forecast uncertainty and ongoing underperformance, especially in agricultural areas. I recommend their combined hardware and software solution for anyone concerned about soiling, one of the most perplexing and often overlooked sources of solar underperformance in solar.”


Evan Riley
Co-Founder & Managing Partner
White Pine Renewables

“We have standardized on installing Fracsun on all of our systems in California. After trying multiple soiling sensors, we now use Fracsun on all of our projects. The technology is highly automated, requires little to no site maintenance and has a great web portal that I check every day to evaluate the costs and benefits of washing. If you are installing a solar project in a dusty region, its irresponsible to build the project without a Fracsun soiling sensor.”


Contact Us

(805) 242-3722

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